Cambridge Ion Channel Forum


10:00Registration and coffee 

Dr Liz Roberts, AstraZeneca

Dr Sophie Rose, Metrion

Session chair: Dr Eddy Stevens, Metrion
11:00Excitability and electrical activity in neuroendocrine cancer cellsProf Hugh Robinson, University of Cambridge
11:35Automated electrophysiology in drug discoveryDr Kelly Gatfield, GSK
12:10Networking lunch with posters 
Session chair: Dr Ali Obergrussberger, Nanion Technologies
13:30Don't be too hasty with your ion channel safetyDr Saïd El Haou, AstraZeneca
14:05Endo-lysosomal Ca2+ channels as novel drug targetsProf Christian Grimm, University of Munich
14:40Validating functional effects of antibody toxin fusions against sodium channelsDr Alex Haworth, Metrion Biosciences
15:00Break with posters 
Session chair: Dr Katie Puddefoot, Metrion Biosciences
15:45Ion selectivity switching in a lysosomal ion channelProf Sandip Patel, University College London
16:20The TMEM16 family of calcium-activated lipid scramblases and ion channels Prof Raimund Dutzler, University of Zurich
16:55Closing remarks and poster prizes awarded 
17:10 to 18:30Drinks reception and pizza